Про нас

About us

The mission of SK Skiper is to maximize Satisfying customer needs for insurance coverage increasing citizens' confidence in the insurance market by transparent business conduct, fulfillment of Company obligations in front of customers and partners, clear management of all processes.


We have the best prices!

Have you seen such prices somewhere? Personally, I do not...


Verified Professionals

No "left" employees. Only experienced people


Faster clearance!

See for yourself, or we won’t refund your money ...

IC "Skiper" has been successfully operating in the insurance market since 2015 and offers a full range of insurance services for individuals and legal people. Included in TOP 12 Ukrainian insurers by Compulsory Car Owner Liability Insurance (CTP) for 2018. The company has 26 licenses for the implementation of 10 compulsory and 16 voluntary types of insurance. With the goal of most high-quality and complete provision of insurance services to customers, IC “Skiper” participates in the work of a professional association insurers: Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine. IC “Skiper” realizes its mission by providing reliable insurance coverage and strives to ensure that the company’s business perceived by customers and partners as natural and inextricable continuation of their own affairs. Company in use premises at the addassetss: Odessa, st. Preobrazhenskaya 23 (3rd floor), where all the necessary devices for people with disabilities are provided and other people with limited mobility, in accordance with state building codes, rules and standards. for service for such persons, free delivery insurance contracts.